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Unassigned Issues 👇
#52 PostgreSQL compatibility
#84 Iceberg format support using Snowflake
#51 Wildcard cors use
#874 Add effective_shelving_order field to item_ext derived table for Metadb
#16 Make timeline phase events more robust
#345 Update stg_ga4__events.sql to Include fbclid Detection
#871 Update to metadb holdings_notes derived table
#13 Add more than 8 phases for split time events in timeline (MAXTIME specific)
#344 Enabling the Fresh Daily export in GA4 breaks base_ga4__events model
#11 Add Open Loop Fault to Timeline
#79 Performance issues while creating constraints with v1.x.x
#9 Dynamic Bins Size for Ped Volumes
#870 Add donor field to po_lines_cost table for LDP
#869 Add donor field to po_lines_cost derived table for Metadb
#31 Add tox-based Integration Testing support for this package
#868 Add is_donor from organization to po_organization derived table for LDP
#8 Timeline events don't handle missing data well
#7 Add Pedestrian Delay
#6 Add Platoon Ratio
#343 Assign traffic source, medium, campaign for more traffic parameters beyond gclid
#340 Handling null ga_session_id in event_key creation
#339 The page_location_with_gclid_is_cpc fails when using UTMs for attribution
#866 determine best way to extract additional data fields for the PO line - add to existing tables or create new?
#865 Need to review all metadb derived tables that use donor field and organization records and determine how best to update
#337 How to recreate GA4 reports using this schema?
#2 Split Failures returns empty when by_approach=False
#2 Banco de Dados
#335 Support New Batch Fields/Review Impact on Existing Code
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